So to not make this page boring here’s a brief synopsis on what this is going to be about:

The Anatomy of Happiness project consists of a huge-ass story of 4 parts which basically revolves around a  group of characters consistently being harassed/harassing witches. It’s what I call “Tommy Wiseau’s version of a poor-man’s thriller”, it’s a story that tries to be serious with its more grotesque themes of death, reanimation, spirituality and overall human suffering while also being goofy enough to be a fun action flick. It’s basically a plot for an FPS game from the late 90’s – early 2000’s.


The first part basically paves the way for what’s about to come, maybe not the best beginning for a series but its purpose is just to establish the antagonists (The Coven of witches) as a threat and their motives by essentially covering the various experiments that they’ve done on the dead, bringing them to live (reanimating them, essentially) with the magic infused blood of the coven’s leader, Mother Maria (sort of a surrogate parent of the witches, normal human being just like you and me and with ambitions of stopping the souls of the living from going to the afterlife, which in this case, it’s a really shitty place and you might believe that what she’s doing is a good thing until you find out what she will be doing with those aforementioned souls). There’s not much to note here as this one is not really that significant other than to offer context for what’s about to come… speaking of which.


The second part is about the story of a 19-20 year old guy named Aidan Margulescu, art student living in Iasi county, Romania, where he returns to his home county of Vaslui on a Saturday morning. What was meant to be a quick come-and-go visit to his mother’s house spirals into fight for survival as he’s left alone in a town full of crazy, infected, zombie-like, mad men (& women) with very wide, shit eating grins coupled with frantic and predatory acts of violence, known by the authorities as “Jesters” due to their tendency to always laugh. Our boy Aidan then tries to reunite with his parents during this time of need while also attempting communication with his older brother Paul, but given how this is Romania in 2012, this sort of stuff is a lil’ difficult, which leads to Aidan hauling his ass back to Iasi county to reunite with his only remaining family member apart from his grandma. The rest of the story is about the two brothers fighting for survival while trying to escape the country, meeting new people, killing new and old people, discovering stuff that they we’re not meant to know, which ends with of the brothers dying to protect the people he would end up falling in love with and his body snatched up by the witches for further experimentation due to how much of a juggernaut he was, you know, the good stuff :)


The third part is about a guy named Flavius, a drug addicted brilliant mechanical engineer student that ends up murdering criminal and innocent low-lives with a prosthetic firearm for an arm (that was made from scrap metal and stolen gun parts, shoved together in a 3D printed frame made of reinforced polymer resin) in a pretty  bad drug trip that ends with him being recruited by the Coven of witches as their in-house IT guy in order to avoid the law. During the aforementioned drug trip he ends up creating a pet monster composed of human flesh that gets bigger and bigger the more it consumes, which is then put down by the army, supposedly.


The fourth part is comprised of several short stories that are meant to act as world building for this universe, to how wide-scaled have the Coven’s operation gone to and how has their actions affected millions world-wide, with the final story being about a girl named Andreea Focsa (the one pictured in the background) that’s trying to find her missing cat only to end up reuniting old and new foes in order to take down Mother Maria with the help of supernatural forces from beyond the veil and ending her coven, for good.



That’s about it really, the reason why I have not fully written anything for this story is because I’m currently caught up in school and because I’m just that fucking lazy.

I’ll finish this someday and will publish the series in full for free on the net (and on this website as well), with (hopefully) the possibility of purchasable physical copies, if you wish to support this venture of mine in any way.




Until then, wish me luck, and don’t expect meaningful updates on this page apart from more concept art that I’m willing to release later this year (if I will even make any).