Honestly, fuck this album, straight up, I don’t like it, I hate it, fuck it, fuck it to bits.

The band claim that this one is a “demo” when in reality is a mish-mash of shit, recorded and produced as a derivative of late-night game sessions of the TTRPG “Werewolf: The Apocalypse” as most of the album’s themes and elements are present within this album.

The main reason as to why I fucking hate is album (and I have dreaded writing about this one for nearly a month)  is it’s inconsistent nature, It’s mish-mash of shit (as I call it) comprised of different styles in almost every track, ranging from prog-rock structures, death metal guitar tones to straight up rapping. The only consistent thing about this album it’s the song’s quality, which, at this point, is pretty extraordinary.

What you need to take away from this is that this album, in particular, is not bad, not bad at all. It just lacks consistency, which is something that these goofy goobers over at Slipknot manage to do better in their debut album.

But if you have any expectations on how this album is going to play and sound like, then throw those shitty preconceived notions out the window, cuz like the Albert of Einsteins, these mofos we’re experimenting, trying to figure out like style kinda like how a teenager is trying to figure out their live (but unlike a teenager, Slipknot did not end up failing themselves, or at least musically).

That’s it really, if you’re curious then go listen to it, I guess. You’ll not have anything to lose if not.


Link, to it





(But can I just say how fucking cute it is the fact that the band had straight up made a whole-ass, 10 min song about their fellow man Craig Jones called “Killers are quiet” because the guy was the kind of guy that everything he said mattered because the guy never really spoke to spoke anyone about anything? Because it really is cute, and it sucks that we won’t do shit with Slipknot no more)


Art was done by roninpizza on DA