Real people that I've drawn over the years (from recent to 2018 and even older):
notez: Made these for a girl at my school in exchange for a very sexy drawing of Trent Reznor (2003 era)
notez: this one was based off of a guy I found on Instagram a while ago. I even sent him this drawing in order to make his day and in return I get called a "f*ggot". Anyways this drawing is good and I'm super glad of how the fingers turned out ^^. (also don't go after the guy, his parents and older siblings beat him enough so it's ok) notez: A Robert Odenquirky I sketched in class recently, it looks good too, somehow. notez: gotta rim kim notez: POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSS notez: a remake of a remake of an old drawing of Keanu reeves that I've made a while ago notez: a drawing of Johnny Depp that I made back in 10th grade that a talented former classmate thought it was "Ok," which knowing how talented that Isaac Newton lookin ass son of a bitch is, that is the biggest compliment I've ever rececived :) notez: an early version of the Johnny Depp drawing from earlier notez: OMG it's Bernie San-ders. I was lazy with this one and did not feel like I wanted to make the rest of the suit. notez: a John Lennon drawing I found on the net made by 3Y (i think?) and traced it. Might post link to the original if I ever find it. notez: John Lennon drawing that I've traced from the net a while ago (don't know where honestly) notez: a Bob Marley traced from the net notez: guys the barnacle is here notez: a drawing that was a remake of an older Keanu Reeves drawing, no longer in my possesion due to it being lost by a bunch of stupid sons of bitches that ran a local art exhibit in my town back in August of 2019 (I want to slit their fucking throats open and shit down their necks) Notez: a drawing that was made for a former classmate named Daniel (duh). I'm still glad that he somehow liked this :) notez: an unfinished sketch that I begun working on it the end of 9th grade (I think). It features three of my former classmated which I still adore 'till this day (I'm still sad that I had to get transfered from that school) notez: The Keanu Reeves drawing that embarassed me so much to the point we're I had to remake it twice just to feel good with myself. notez: Michael Rosen drawing that I've made back in the 7th grade, its simple and I still like it. notez: I've watched so much Vsauce back in the day to the point we're my IQ has increased by 4 points :O notez: a Jacksepticeye drawing I made back when I hadn't lost my Reddit account and actually posted stuff there. Was made the same day I made all of the drawings in the "cursed shit" category. notez: a Marker-plier drawing I made along side the Jacksepticeye one, in the same day as well (god, I need a life) notez: There was once a time we're I would actually manage to fall asleep to ASMR videos instead of being aroused by them. Back then, MattyTingles was my go-to ASMR virtual dealer when I needed quick, calming sleep instantly. His videos are still good notez: MoistCritikal drawing that I had intended to cut off but didn't notez: alongside MattyTingles, Ephemeral Rift was also my virtual ASMR dealer. I still like his videos for their wackyness (hell he was my first ASMR Youtuber that I've ever watched, I was introduced to him when I first discovered that video where he would play Tangram whilist drinking beer and eating pretzels, good times) notez: believe it or not but at the end of middle school I went thru a Talking Heads phase. Now I don't even remember how their fucking music sound like, apart from "Once in a lifetime" of course (that shit will be forever burnt into my brain) notez: Revolver was better than Abbey Road but I know that y'all don't like to admit this sort of stuff ;) notez: Freddie Mercury drawing I gave to my friend Jon cuz he is a big Queen fan. notez: Vincent Van Gogh portrait that I don't really like that much anymore. might remake it. notez: If you look closely you can see that his thumb looks like a dick LOL notez: gave a shot at trying to draw Beethoven properly one time during lunch break. Its alright for the time notez: these last 6 drawings are of kids that I used to hang around with back in middle school. I don't speak with 2/6 of them anymore.